简介:上海有爱机械设备有限公司成立于2012年,公司坐落于上海市闵行区闽北工业园区。上海有爱是集研发洗车设备、生产洗车设备、销售洗车设备、洗车设备售后服务一体化的专业自动化机械设备制造企业。公司技术力量雄厚,生产设备齐全,洗车设备产品环保节能、功能完善、品种齐全,配件全球采购,质量上乘。 Shanghai love machinery equipment co.,LTD. Sales:Shanghai loce car wasg equipment product spreads all over the country,currently on the market the success of more than 3000 units, may at any time. More than 20 people team of after-sales service throughout the country, by the exquisite technical service in customer,make the love brand of washing machine in the national market share in a straight line of the rising trend in! At the same time in order to meet the needs of buying car wash equipment our customers,we close out the store image of free design, site construction design,technical staff have love services such as free training,we are looking forward to cooperate with you in the near future.
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